Made by Henry Aston of Middletown, CT in 1848, this percussion pistol features an 8 ½”
round smoothbore barrel with brass blade front site. Swivel steel ramrod with button-
shaped head, the opposite end threaded for ball screw or wiper attachment. Brass
mounts include butt cap with integral backstrap, trigger guard, and barrel band integral
with the sideplate. Flat steel lockplate with beveled edge, marked “US/H. ASTON” in front
of the hammer and “MIDDTN/CONN./1848″ vertically behind the hammer. Barrel stamped
“US/NWP/P” (inspector Nathan W. Patch) and “1848″ (faint) on barrel tang. Walnut stock
with inspector’s cartouch on the reverse flat (faint). Differs from the standard model in that
there is a flat and hole on the lower backstrap with an inserted brass tube threaded to
accept a shoulder stock. There are a number of different experimental modifications to
accept a should stock, of which this is one. Overall length 14 1/4″. Very good overall
condition, showing genuine use and age, with scattered pitting on the steel parts and a
mellow patina to the brass.