Iron hilt of forged rectangular-section bars and flat plates pierced with hearts and circular
holes; the bars extending upward and fitting inside a groove at the base of the low cone
pommel of Mazansky’s Type IVA. Pommel with small button and segmented by four sets
of three vertical grooves. Broad scroll quillon; old wood grip (split, but sound) with twisted
brass wire in the grooves. Unmarked single-edged 33 /14″ blade with two long fullers at
the back edge; the last 6″ double-edged. Tip rounded, as is common with these swords
that were meant for slashing. Of the period to have been used at the historic Battle of
Culloden, showing great age, with scattered light pitting and several tight breaks at the
guard bar junctions, as often found. Overall length 38 ½”. The term “claymore” is often
associated with this type of sword, but the name’s origin likely refers to the two-handed
sword of earlier times. Claymore comes from the Gaelic “claidheamh mor”, meaning “great
sword”. However, the term “claymore” has been recorded in literature relating to the
Highland basket hilted swords as early as the late 17th C.