Silver Inlaid Italian Wheellock Pistol, ca. 1630


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SKU: FP1838 Category:


Uniquely Italian style with a nearly straight stock, this compact belt pistol features flat
lockplate with external wheel and sliding pan cover; the cock chiseled to appear like it is
protruding from the mouth of a sea monster. Tapering 6 1/8″ octagonal-to-round barrel of
9mm caliber with cannon muzzle, deeply stamped on the breech with a tombstone-shaped
mark featuring a man holding a staff weapon. Walnut full stock with nearly straight grip
expanding toward the steel-banded octagonal butt. Stock inlaid with silver tacks and wire
in scroll pattern on reverse side and butt end. Wood ramrod with turned steel button tip.
Steel mounts including pierced trigger guard with serpentine tang, belt hook with matching
pierced decoration, fore-end cap and barrel band. Metal cleaned with some pitting,
primarily on the lockplate and around the touch hole. Overall length 11 3/4″. Similar
examples featured in “Le Armi da Fuoco Portatili Italiane”, figures 118 and 122.